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3027919666 / 302-791-9666 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
Area Code
Wilmington, Delaware
Verizon Delaware, Inc. De
Number Variations: 302/791/9666 - 302.791.9666 - 3027919666 - 302 791 9666
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3027919666 User Reports

0 Votes
24th Apr, 2009 by maria
Reported Number: 302-791-9666
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: paydayloanyes
this is a payday loan but when you look up their number you find many ppl reporting the samething as well as i have been threw heel with these ppl. it seems there is only 2 or 3 ppl with this company if thats what u want to call them not only are they rude and call ppl a old hag and a dead beat person but i have a record of a man the same man i spoke to every time i call or they call that the company can threaten a person life if they dont pay their loan back. they threaten my whom i took a loan with and the threaten my mother life whom address i used when i got the loan..they need to be stoped they also go by cashnet 500 and many more

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