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3145068608 / 314-506-8608 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
Area Code
Ferguson, Missouri
Southwestern Bell Mo
Number Variations: 314/506/8608 - 314.506.8608 - 3145068608 - 314 506 8608
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3145068608 User Reports

0 Votes
5th Jan, 2010 by Erin
Reported Number: 314-506-8608
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
someone called at 12:15 am - and was asking if I was going to be there to let a computer tech in somewhere. VERY weird voice... I thought it was a friend of mine prank calling so I asked if it was a prank and she/he said no. Very weird call all together. Woke me up from a dead sleep.
0 Votes
20th Mar, 2009 by Rod
Reported Number: 3145068608
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
They call our 800 number constantly. Costing us several hundreds of dollars.

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