Caller Information 

3475605022 / 347-560-5022 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Allen Parker
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 347/560/5022 - 347.560.5022 - 3475605022 - 347 560 5022
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3475605022 User Reports

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2nd Mar, 2011 by ALLEY
Reported Number: 347-560-5022
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Allen Parker
I received the call first on my cell but did not answer because iam at work, them he call my work numerous time, spoke to me tell me this is a legal matter. and i hung up the phone, and then he repeatedly call back, my coworker answer it and he call her a FB. and then he call back and talk to my boss but wouldnt give any detail's. He said if I keep hang up I will make sure you lose your job! I believe they received this information thur a payday on the internet this is not the first call I have had. any help or advice would be greatly apprecitated.

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