Caller Information 

5083792125 / 508-379-2125 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Area Code
Swansea, Massachusetts
Verizon new england inc. dba verizo
Number Variations: 508/379/2125 - 508.379.2125 - 5083792125 - 508 379 2125
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5083792125 User Reports

+ 1 Votes
9th Nov, 2010 by Sanjana
Reported Number: 508-379-2125
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Called and said I took out cash advance and all my information. They are harassing me. I dont know who these people are.
0 Votes
4th Nov, 2010 by MIchael Mangram
Reported Number: 5083792125
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Told me I took a loan from a "Cash Advance" store, and would not provide me with the name of this store, that said loan was taken from. He also could not provide a dollar amount that I borrowed. They have my work, cell, and home number, address of my home as well as were I work, ss #, DL#, and rounting and accounting number for my bank.

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