Caller Information 

9054138716 / 905-413-8716 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 2 people
Area Code
Unionville, Ontario
Bell Canada On
Number Variations: 905/413/8716 - 905.413.8716 - 9054138716 - 905 413 8716
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9054138716 User Reports

0 Votes
29th Apr, 2011 by Jean_YYZ
Reported Number: 905-413-8716
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Blank
Not sure as the recording was too fast. how can I block them ?
0 Votes
29th Apr, 2011 by Abramo
Reported Number: 9054138716
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: unknown
very annoying. record: "hi, we are calling you to remind you to call us to settle your personal matter. we strongly advise you to call within the next 48 hours" ... I don't owe any money. I know it is a collection agency. now, my brother just collapsed whilst answering their call and I want to sue them. and I we will.
0 Votes
26th Apr, 2011 by Neal
Reported Number: 905-413-8716
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
It's a collection agency called Global International. They have a website for consumers that are getting called:

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