Caller Information 

2022243121 / 202-224-3121 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
capitol switchboard
According to 1 people
Political Call
According to 1 people
Area Code
Washington, District Of Columbia
Verizon Washington, Dc Inc. Dc
Number Variations: 202/224/3121 - 202.224.3121 - 2022243121 - 202 224 3121
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2022243121 User Reports

- 2 Votes
25th Nov, 2016 by users
Reported Number: 202-224-3121
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
- 1 Votes
3rd Feb, 2012 by chrigid
Reported Number: 2022243121
Caller type: Political Call
Phone owner: capitol switchboard
This is the number for the Capitol switchboard--why would anyone be calling me from the main number? Don't the Senators and Representatives and their staffs have their own numbers to call out from?

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