Caller Information 

2098583765 / 209-858-3765 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Valerie Jones
According to 2 people
Dept Collector
According to 2 people
Area Code
Manteca, California
Verizon California Inc. Ca
Number Variations: 209/858/3765 - 209.858.3765 - 2098583765 - 209 858 3765
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2098583765 User Reports

0 Votes
9th Dec, 2008 by alsocurious
Reported Number: 209-858-3765
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Valerie Jones
Valerie Jones called and left a message for me to call her at 800927-7667 extension 3765. She said she was with DCS. I looked up DCS online and found that they were Diversified Credit Service their website is I called their main number, which was different than the one from caller ID (209-858-3765). I found her through the directory service. She was not there when I called. They are located in California - my guess is that Valerie is located at their Lathrop California site where the main number is 209 858 3500.
0 Votes
9th Dec, 2008 by alsocurious
Reported Number: 2098583765
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Valerie Jones
Valerie Jones called and left a message for me to call her at 800927-7667 extension 3765. She said she was with DCS. I looked up DCS online and found that they were Diversified Credit Service their website is I called their main number, which was different than the one from caller ID (209-858-3765). I found her through the directory service. She was not there when I called. They are located in California - my guess is that Valerie is located at their Lathrop California site where the main number is 209 858 3500.

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