Caller Information 

4044191473 / 404-419-1473 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Isaac Berry
According to 4 people
Area Code
Atlanta, Georgia
Level 3 Communications, Llc Ga
Number Variations: 404/419/1473 - 404.419.1473 - 4044191473 - 404 419 1473
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4044191473 User Reports

0 Votes
5th Feb, 2016 by Anonymous
Reported Number: 404-419-1473
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Isaac Berry
Person called identifying himself as Issac Berry. Asked me to help him reach my brother or sister-in-law and asked for both of them by name. Wanted me to give them his number 404-419-1473 and said it was time sensitive and to have them call immediately. I called my brother and he said he had no idea who that person was.
0 Votes
5th Feb, 2016 by Anonymous
Reported Number: 4044191473
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Isaac Berry
Person called identifying himself as Issac Berry. Asked me to help him reach my brother or sister-in-law and asked for both of them by name. Wanted me to give them his number 404-419-1473 and said it was time sensitive and to have them call immediately. I called my brother and he said he had no idea who that person was.
0 Votes
25th Jun, 2014 by Gary Bailey
Reported Number: 404-419-1473
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Person called identifying himself as Issac Berry. Told me my daughter gave him this number as a safe place to reach her and asked for her by name. I told him she didn't live here. Wanted me to give her his number 404-419-1473 and said it was time sensitive. Called my daughter and she said she never heard of him.
0 Votes
10th Aug, 2012 by Wanda LaCroix
Reported Number: 4044191473
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Isaac Berry
Wanting grandaughter, unknown reason
0 Votes
10th Aug, 2012 by Wanda LaCroix
Reported Number: 404-419-1473
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Isaac Berry
Wanting grandaughter, unknown reason

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