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8184367800 / 818-436-7800 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Dept Collector
According to 2 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 818/436/7800 - 818.436.7800 - 8184367800 - 818 436 7800
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8184367800 User Reports

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4th Sep, 2012 by Stephanie
Reported Number: 818-436-7800
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
Intuit Payment Solutions, an Intuit Company is a registered member of JPMC, Hicksville, NY 21215 Burbank Boulevard, Suite 100 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Phone: (818)436.7800 Fax (818)436.8291 Toll Free: (888)692.9559 Extension 61258 Mark Marino Collections Department Received a bill in my husbands name saying that we owe $4449.74 immediately Third Notice. We rent this property and are not responsible for house repairs. The landlords are unsure about this letter as well.
0 Votes
4th Sep, 2012 by Stephanie
Reported Number: 8184367800
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
Intuit Payment Solutions, an Intuit Company is a registered member of JPMC, Hicksville, NY 21215 Burbank Boulevard, Suite 100 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Phone: (818)436.7800 Fax (818)436.8291 Toll Free: (888)692.9559 Extension 61258 Mark Marino Collections Department Received a bill in my husbands name saying that we owe $4449.74 immediately Third Notice. We rent this property and are not responsible for house repairs. The landlords are unsure about this letter as well.

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