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8567734724 / 856-773-4724 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 856/773/4724 - 856.773.4724 - 8567734724 - 856 773 4724
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8567734724 User Reports

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10th Feb, 2011 by bestmanner
Reported Number: 856-773-4724
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I received a call from these guys today. He first verified my name and asked for my lawyers number. I asked them "Why?". He said it's about a chase bank issue. I told them I don't have an account with Chase. He did not believe me. He simply wanted to threathen me. I got a little angry and said, "who the hell are you?" He then asked me if I live on ****** St. I told him you've got the wrong number. He just hung up the phone without a word. Great manners. They seems to pick some names on the internet and go fishing. I reported this matter to FTC Bureau of comsumer.

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